Clear the Hurdles for Your Family’s First Estate Plan

6-Minute Read Have you been putting off creating your first estate plan? If so, you are not alone. Many people make this their New Year’s resolution but somehow get stuck. There are some hurdles out there, but how do you clear them? Having an estate plan is crucial as it ensures a smooth transition of […]

Does a Trust Belong in Your Estate Plan?

Estate Planning

4-Minute Read In my estate planning discussions with clients, one of the most common questions I get is “Do I need a trust?” In most cases what we’re talking about is a type of trust called a revocable living trust. It sounds fancy, but it is essentially just a legal document that controls the transfer […]

How the SECURE Act Impacts Your Estate and Tax Planning

SECURE Act Estate Planning

12-Minute Read By now you may have heard that a new bill that was recently passed into law. It’s called “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act”, or aptly known as the SECURE Act. This bill included several provisions that can positively impact retirement savers. This piece takes a closer look at one of […]